Natural gas is usually extracted through a method called hydraulic fracturing. However, this method is believed to be one of the most hazardous practices for human health and the environment.
How the process works
The fracking process works by drilling a hole into the earth to obtain gas or petroleum. Chemicals, sand, and water are injected at high pressures to drill into the earth to widen existing gaps or cracks.
However, these chemicals can be toxic. They can contaminate the air and bring different kinds of diseases to humans. This can lead to cardiac problems, birth defects, asthma, severe headaches, and even cancer in children and adults.
With all these risks at hand, communities in fracking sites are often left on their own. Companies avoid addressing these issues and helping the communities since there are no reports of the toxicity it brings. There aren’t enough policies to help people in these communities from experiencing these negative effects.
Sadly, the threat to human health from fracking is not widely known. Not a lot of people know that fracking spews toxic chemicals into the air. While we need oil and gas for our daily commute, irresponsible fracking should be avoided at all costs to protect human health and the environment.